Monday, January 7, 2008

Hello People from iMinister!

Since iMinister has a much larger readership than I can claim, I figured an introduction would be good. I blog about my Unitarian Universalist experience sometimes, and I like to think I am guided by UU values in my observations and analysis of other issues. The other issues are the core of this blog, however, and so I will not be providing a UU analysis of political candidates or nuclear policy, but it is a background I have that finds its way into the rest of my life. So, if you've come for political dissections, nuclear pondering, or speculations about education, this is a site that should be comfortable. If you have come looking for specific UU issues, many other sites would be better suited towards your wanderings, though my UU stuff is linked by the tag, and it may be worth your time.

Most importantly, thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy the blog!

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